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Academic Standing

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The purpose of the Academic Probation and Suspension policy is to support a successful learning experience at Williston State College. Its intent is to alert students to a potential academic problem and to encourage early corrective action. Students who do not maintain minimum academic requirements will, at the end of the term in which they fail to meet the minimum standards, be placed on academic deficiency as indicated in the procedure below.


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Good Standing
Students are expected to maintain a minimum institutional GPA of 2.00 (C). Students with a GPA of 2.00 or greater remain in good standing and will be eligible to continue their studies and/or to graduate upon completion of all required courses.
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Academic Probation
Academic Probation will be issued to students with an Institutional GPA below a 2.00.
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Academic Suspension
Academic Suspension will be issued to students on academic probation whose institutional GPA remains below 2.00 at the end of the next term in which he or she enrolls. Students suspended for academic reasons are not eligible to enroll in classes for a minimum of one semester following the suspension.

Academic Suspension Appeal

Suspended students must appeal an academic suspension by submitting a written statement of circumstance to the Accessibility and Retention Specialist within seven days of suspension notice. After seven days, if the appeal process has not been started, suspended students are dropped from courses for subsequent terms.
Students allowed to immediate re-enrollment through the suspension appeal process may be required to repeat selected courses, enroll in Academic Success Center courses, and/or enroll in a limited number of courses and credits.

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